Ted Lindsay
No man on skates was ever too big or too tough for Ted Lindsay to challenge. At 5'8" and 160lbs he used his big stick and his fists to cut down some of the biggest meanest men in National Hockey League history.
He was known as Scarface or Terrible Ted. The scars on his rugged face represented his courage in his many on ice battles. How many scars he can't tell you, because he lost count after 400 stitches. The nickname "Terrible" only referred to his reputation, because his play was magnificent.
The son of NHL goaltender Bert Lindsay, Ted Lindsay broke into the league in 1944 making the big jump to the NHL at age 19. Lindsay was a celebrated junior player with the St. Michael's Majors in Toronto, but somehow escaped the talent scouts of the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Renfrew-born, Kirkland Lake raised Lindsay was property of the Detroit Red Wings, much to the chagrin of Leafs boss Conn Smythe.
Lindsay stepped in as a rookie and played on a line with the great Syd Howe and playoff hero Mud Bruneteau. Lindsay, though a small player, made his on-ice presence felt. He was full of moxie and never showed any hesitation in waging wars with the biggest and baddest men in the league. He was rough, often mean and occasionally dirty.
It was with a different line and with a different Howe that Lindsay would be famous for. For much of his career he played left wing on Detroit's famous "Production Line" with Gordie Howe and Sid Abel. With Lindsay in the lineup the Red Wings won eight regular season titles and four Stanley Cup Championships in the 40s and 50s.
Lindsay's place among hockey's great LWs is not in doubt. He was a 9 time all star, include 8 selections to the First Team. The 1950 Art Ross trophy winner scored 379 career goals, 472 career assists and 851 career points. He also had over 1800 PIMs in a 1000+ game career, all amazing numbers for the Original Six era.
Although he ranks as one of if not THE greatest left wingers in hockey history, perhaps his off ice achievements are his greatest legacy. He, and Doug Harvey, organized a handful of players who were courageous enough to stand up and challenge team ownership and organize the first professional hockey player's union, now known as the NHLPA.
On February 12th, 1957 the NHLPA's formation was announced, and almost immediately NHL owners looked to squash the movement. Each team began the successful disintegration of the player's movement, and they went to whatever lengths were deemed necessary. Jack Adams, the Red Wings legendary boss, was particularly irate and intimidate everyone of his players, and in most he was very successful. He unleashed a system campaign of lies and personal attacks on Lindsay, scaring most of the Red Wings players into backing away from certification votes.
The most notable name to back down was Gordie Howe, the best player in the league. Without Howe's commitment, the NHLPA was doomed to fail, and Lindsay knew it. This whole episode caused a major rift between the two that has never been fully healed.
For his union organizing activities, Detroit had little choice but to trade Lindsay to Chicago in 1957.
"A series of rumors about my attitude, as well as derogatory remarks about myself and my family showed me that the personal resentment of the Detroit general manager toward me would make it impossible for me to continue playing hockey in Detroit," said Lindsay.
Lindsay would play three years in Chicago, but his heart was always tattooed with Detroit's Winged Wheel. He retired a beaten man, an empty man.
Amazingly, after 4 years of retirement, he rejoined the Red Wings to finish off his career. "I just had the desire to wind up my career with the Red Wings," said Lindsay. "I liked playing in Chicago, and I gave them everything I had, but I knew in my heart I was a Red Wing."
"Through the years, I have so many wonderful memories of playing with the Red Wings: winning four Stanley Cups, scoring big goals, going into battle every night side by side with my teammates, playing with every ounce of effort I could muster."
The comeback only lasted one season but it was a season in which the Red Wings would lead the league for the first time in 8 years. Lindsay then re-retired and was inducted into the Hall of Fame a year later.
"Looking back, I've never had one regret," he said.
He was known as Scarface or Terrible Ted. The scars on his rugged face represented his courage in his many on ice battles. How many scars he can't tell you, because he lost count after 400 stitches. The nickname "Terrible" only referred to his reputation, because his play was magnificent.
The son of NHL goaltender Bert Lindsay, Ted Lindsay broke into the league in 1944 making the big jump to the NHL at age 19. Lindsay was a celebrated junior player with the St. Michael's Majors in Toronto, but somehow escaped the talent scouts of the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Renfrew-born, Kirkland Lake raised Lindsay was property of the Detroit Red Wings, much to the chagrin of Leafs boss Conn Smythe.
Lindsay stepped in as a rookie and played on a line with the great Syd Howe and playoff hero Mud Bruneteau. Lindsay, though a small player, made his on-ice presence felt. He was full of moxie and never showed any hesitation in waging wars with the biggest and baddest men in the league. He was rough, often mean and occasionally dirty.
It was with a different line and with a different Howe that Lindsay would be famous for. For much of his career he played left wing on Detroit's famous "Production Line" with Gordie Howe and Sid Abel. With Lindsay in the lineup the Red Wings won eight regular season titles and four Stanley Cup Championships in the 40s and 50s.
Lindsay's place among hockey's great LWs is not in doubt. He was a 9 time all star, include 8 selections to the First Team. The 1950 Art Ross trophy winner scored 379 career goals, 472 career assists and 851 career points. He also had over 1800 PIMs in a 1000+ game career, all amazing numbers for the Original Six era.
Although he ranks as one of if not THE greatest left wingers in hockey history, perhaps his off ice achievements are his greatest legacy. He, and Doug Harvey, organized a handful of players who were courageous enough to stand up and challenge team ownership and organize the first professional hockey player's union, now known as the NHLPA.
On February 12th, 1957 the NHLPA's formation was announced, and almost immediately NHL owners looked to squash the movement. Each team began the successful disintegration of the player's movement, and they went to whatever lengths were deemed necessary. Jack Adams, the Red Wings legendary boss, was particularly irate and intimidate everyone of his players, and in most he was very successful. He unleashed a system campaign of lies and personal attacks on Lindsay, scaring most of the Red Wings players into backing away from certification votes.

For his union organizing activities, Detroit had little choice but to trade Lindsay to Chicago in 1957.
"A series of rumors about my attitude, as well as derogatory remarks about myself and my family showed me that the personal resentment of the Detroit general manager toward me would make it impossible for me to continue playing hockey in Detroit," said Lindsay.
Lindsay would play three years in Chicago, but his heart was always tattooed with Detroit's Winged Wheel. He retired a beaten man, an empty man.
Amazingly, after 4 years of retirement, he rejoined the Red Wings to finish off his career. "I just had the desire to wind up my career with the Red Wings," said Lindsay. "I liked playing in Chicago, and I gave them everything I had, but I knew in my heart I was a Red Wing."
"Through the years, I have so many wonderful memories of playing with the Red Wings: winning four Stanley Cups, scoring big goals, going into battle every night side by side with my teammates, playing with every ounce of effort I could muster."
The comeback only lasted one season but it was a season in which the Red Wings would lead the league for the first time in 8 years. Lindsay then re-retired and was inducted into the Hall of Fame a year later.
"Looking back, I've never had one regret," he said.
Great player, great guy. Mr. Lindsey was always willing to talk and answer questions. I proudly have and wear his black leather jacket with the Red Wings insignia and #7. Ray
This is a true story. My dad who is gone now says "do you want to go to the Stadium tonight to see the Hawks play the Wings because I'd like you to get a chance to see the legendary Ted Lindsay"."He came out of retirement to play with his old team and he is one of the greatest left wings ever".( Needless to say my dad liked Ted and of course he had played with the Hawks after being ostracized from the Wings.) "He not only had guts on the ice but off as well taking on the owners like he did. A mans man that Ted Lindsay".)Well I never turned down an opportunity to go to the Stadium so off we went. We lived on the south side of Chicago. The game starts and Ted's on his first shift and he gets called for a penalty. He gives the referee a big choke sign putting his hands on his neck and you guessed it he gets a game misconduct! The only time I had a chance to see him in person and he get's thrown out of the game!... Greg G
you rocked my dad is like one of your biggest fans
To set the record straight.Lindsey was traded to Chicago for second guessing my father(Jimmie Skinner)during games.Jack Adams called Skinner at his restaurant during the summer,and asked him if he wanted Lindsey on his team next year.The reply was "Jack if he's on my team,then you can find another coach!"subsequentially he was traded.
lindsay wpuld never have been the player he was if it was not for the super player gordie Howe.Linmdsay was not a fighter but a stick swinger.
Pound for pound he was the best ever. A complete player who would skate through a brick wallfor his teammates.
My grandparents had tickets at Olympia for 32 years and as a kid I would go to the games with them. Years later I was at a game at Joe Louis with my grandmother who was nearing 90 years old. I introduced her to Mr. Lindsay. She was falling all over herself and thanking him for all the great memories. He turned it around and thanked HER for the support the fans had given him through the years. What a class act!
Ted Lindsay is a gentleman. I met him today at the "Goalie Den" in Troy, MI with my daughter. I am 58 years old and remember growing up watching Mr. Lindsay and Mr. Hockey. He was so kind, he took the time and really focused on my daughter, He was asking her questions about her Hockey experience and opinions. I can't say enough about him and his gracious attitude. His foundation for Autism reflects the type of person he is. The time is different but, he is not. What a guy. I only hope when all is said and done, we remember the man and all he offered our community and changes he made for the good of the game and it's players.
I was a 14 year old and went to Detroit for my first NHL game. After the game I followed some people down to the locker room and was able to get Ted's autograph, along with Gordie Howe (he signed my picture Gordon Howe) Alex Delvecchio, Terry Sawchuck and Red Kelly. I still have them. A thrill of my ife
Ted Lindsay's passion for the game and his desire to win is second to none. The Red Wings were a dynasty and had won 2 Stanley Cup back to back in 54 and 55. Then Jack Adams starts trading great players for a bunch of names. The next year they had just enough to get to the finals but prove that the damage had been done as they lose to Montreal in 5 games in 1956. Ask Lindsay today and he will tell you that if Adams had left things alone or made some simple move, it would have been the Detroit Red Wings that would have won 5 or 6 straight Stanley Cups. Ted is so right when he says this and his distain for Adams came after years of liking the man and playing his heart out for him.
the best of the best
I have been a Red Wings fan since I was a kid and although Gordie Howe will always be Mr.Hockey, the Wings would have been better off had they traded him and kept Ted Lindsay. Lindsay was the heart and soul of the Wings and they never won another Cup after he was traded until the Yzerman years. Of course, Gordie and the rest of the Wings were hoodwinked by the liar, Jack Adams, into thinking Ted was making $23K a year when he was actually making 12K. Adams drew up a fake contract and showed it to the Wings players who then turned against Lindsay. It would take many more years during a luncheon with Bob Baun that Howe finally realized that he wasn't even the top paid player on Detroit. Every player in the NHL should get down on their knees every morning and thank God for Ted Lindsay. Ted took a lot of abuse for lies that were perpetrated by the Norris', Con Smythe, and the likes of Jack Adams. In fact, in my opinion, the Norris and Adams trophies should be removed from the Hockey Hall of Fame because they represent crooks like Alan Eagleson, not men who were responsible for the betterment of the sport. Nice to see the Ted Lindsay Award in the Hall, however.
I met ted in the joe a couple of seasons back on ted lindsay night and he took the time to talk about the
wars he had with toronto only saw him play his last season a couple of times on tv but even then I could see
how special a player he was and meeting him I got to see what a great guy he is
Ted thanks for the memories eric
I remember playing against him when he played with the old timers. We scrimmages with them several times. He taught me most of what I know about playing.
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